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Friday, November 5, 2010

Introducing the Three Reasons Review Format

Over the past few months, Staci from Life In the Thumb, and I have discussed ways of making reviews easier.  Some books don't require an in-depth review or are too long and complicated, so that quick thoughts or comments about the book are easier for a review.  Through our conversations the Three Reasons Review was born.  (Staci will tell you she had very little input, but don't listen to her.  She listened to me and gave advice, which counts in my book.  Staci is just super modest.)

The Three Reasons Review is a simple way to get your thoughts out there about a book.  The reasons are as follows complete with fancy button:

1.) Reasons you chose this book

2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this book

3.) Reasons you are recommending this book

I hope you like this and please feel free to use this format and button on your blog too.  Life can crazy at times and any method for streamlining a review can be helpful.

Enjoy your weekend and happy reading my Pumpkins!


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